Artificial intelligence will transform the agricultural industry. The agricultural industry is currently one of the most underdeveloped areas of artificial intelligence, but over the next year or two, it will become one of the most important areas of artificial intelligence. For example, agricultural automation plays an important role in sustaining the food production process in the face of issues such as food security, famine and agricultural labor crises.

1. Find disease and control and control pests

Disease detection and pest control in agriculture is done by collecting information from farms and using machine learning technology. At present, the development of artificial intelligence technology in agriculture is remarkable and significant, and some farmers use it extensively for this purpose, thus benefiting from its numerous benefits in the field of smart agriculture.

2. Smart spraying

Artificial intelligence is used to fight pests and weeds and in the field of intelligent agriculture. The purpose of intelligent spraying is to reduce environmental and water pollution, as well as reduce the use of pesticides and high absorption of chemical fertilizers. For example, the use of spraying drones has many benefits for farmers and reduces their side costs.

3. Robotic

Today, due to the development of the agricultural industry and the need to produce more products and reduce manpower in agriculture, the use of robots in this industry has found a special place. In agriculture, robots can dramatically increase the yield of the farm with proper management, from harvesting to weeding and managing and monitoring the farm, thus increasing yields and reducing costs on smart farms.

4. Ensuring food security

The most important application that can be considered for artificial intelligence technology in agriculture is food security. The world population is projected to increase to 9 billion by 2050; Hence, the amount of agricultural production must increase. The use of artificial intelligence technology in agriculture leads to increased productivity, more efficient management of food production, and the improvement and upgrading of global food distribution infrastructure.

5. Harvesting

Harvesting robots can do things like picking fruits, vegetables, etc. in orchards, fields, etc. much faster than humans and improve the quality of products and thus optimize the use of resources. The purpose of developing these robots is to reduce the costs that farm owners spend on seasonal workers to harvest. Using these robots is much cheaper than using human resources.

Services and products

Recognize objects

This service can identify weeds or pests by analyzing and processing images of your garden or farm, and guide you in picking or spraying them to be more fruitful.

Model Prediction

This model predicts the weather in the next few months, announces the best harvest time to prevent potential losses and increase yields.


With this service, you can easily plot agricultural lands, classify agricultural products, and detect crop diseases quickly.