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Smart Traffic Monitoring Using Vehicle Count

The car traffic control platform makes it possible to monitor traffic flow, counting vehicles, detect human and vehicle discrimination, tracking vehicles, detect vehicle type and estimate speed, to the highest efficiency. Relying on artificial intelligence support, you can even do that with CCTV cameras.* Tracking Vehicles* Counting and Detecting Vehicle Type* Mobile Tracking, Human and Vehicle Detection.


Smart Parking

Smart parking is one of the first Solutions to make cities smarter, which can help to solve urban transportation problems and save a lot of money. These systems can be used at different depths of intelligence and offer a variety of capabilities in two types of Indoor and Outdoor parking.


Body Language Analysis

The use of artificial intelligence in the body language process is one of the achievements that has various applications in the fields of education, safety, sports, political and many other areas that can be designed and developed based on a specific need.


Indoor Navigation Solutions

Indoor positioning is one of the attractive mobile application use cases of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Virtual Reality (VR) in various spaces, for example in public spaces such as hospitals, museums, Shopping Malls, passenger terminals, airports, hotels, or production spaces like factory providing solutions.


APC (Automated Passenger Counting)

Managing crowded spaces and speeding up the movement of people can reduce public spending and maintain high security. Processing population behavioral patterns is one of the special abilities of artificial intelligence in this monitoring system.


People Counting

Artificial intelligence population counting system can provide various reports and applications. With this system, owners clearly understand the importance of categorizing different areas and gain access to a higher level of business management.


Deep Face Detection

Face recognition is one of the most widely uses of artificial intelligence, covering many things, such as Find Missing Persons, Prevent Retail Crime, Smarter Advertising, Help The Blind, Protect Law Enforcement, Diagnose Diseases, Aid Forensic Investigations, Recognize VIPs at Sporting Events, Track School Attendance, Protect Schools from Threats, Facilitate Secure Transactions, Validate Identity at ATMs, Find Lost Pets, Make Air Travel more Convenient, Control Access to Sensitive Areas, Recognize Drivers.


Terminal Cleaning Monitoring System

Managing the cleanliness of large public places with the help of artificial intelligence and monitoring the routes can best reduce the cost and time of work and make it possible to create more services.


Burglar alarm system in residential houses and shops

In this system, it recognizes people living in residential houses or shop owners, and recognizes non-residents and strangers, takes photos of their faces, and informs them via SMS.


Face recognition and attendance system

Face recognition is a biometric technology that, by analyzing the patterns it obtains from a person's face, is able to distinguish and identify people from each other and be able to verify the identity of individuals. In recent years, face recognition technology has been used in many fields, from using this technology to unlock smartphone screens to very important security applications in various organizations. Ability to use in different purposes and fields has made face recognition technology has a wide range of applications and is particularly popular among organizations, different companies and....


Iris detection system

Recent advances in information technology, as well as the growing need for greater security, have led to the development of intelligent identification systems based on human biometric characteristics. Biometric systems use each person's physiological or behavioral characteristics to identify them accurately. Common features used in these systems include: face, fingerprints, sound, facial thermal charts, iris, retina, gait, palm patterns, hand geometry and more. Among these features, more work has been done on the fingerprint than the others, and this feature is used in legal applications. Face recognition and voice recognition have also been extensively studied in the last 25 years, while iris recognition is a relatively new method of identification.


Mask identification system for public places and hospitals

Mask detection system for public places and hospitals that detects people without masks and can be used as a warning or to automatically prevent the door from opening when entering.


Intelligent fertility analysis system

This application in three steps;
Identifies sperm:
1. Sperm detection in video At this stage, sperm are detected in video frames using the most up-to-date convolutional neural networks. This software has a much higher accuracy than similar examples and is also able to work very well in high-density videos.
2. Extraction of sperm motility parameters
In this step; The software tracks sperms detected in consecutive frames and extracts the movement pattern of each sperm. Then using the calculated patterns; Calculates motor parameters such as STR; LIN; AHL; VSL; VCL and by examining them, classifies sperm into Progressive, non-progressive, reapid, slow, immotile categories.
3. Identify the morphology of sperm
in this part; The system examines the shape of the head and neck of sperm and places them in normal or amorphous, pyriform, tapered clusters.


Intelligent car system and drowsiness alert

This system is used to detect the driver's consciousness. Using the latest models of artificial intelligence, this system is able to work well in adverse conditions such as low light environment, or when the driver is wearing glasses or a hat.
The use of this technology greatly reduces the risk of accidents caused by drowsiness of drivers.


Cephalometric analysis for dentistry

Cephalometric analysis to diagnose and treat orthodontic patients is necessarily a measurement system designed to explain the relationship between multiple skeletal, dental, and craniofacial soft tissue valleys. Anatomical landmarks are selected on cephalometry and connected to each other to obtain angles and lines to determine these relationships. Since the cranial base is considered to be the most stable and reliable anatomical part in the craniofacial composition; Many cephalometric analyzes use landmarks such as nasion, sella, basion to obtain reference lines such as sella-nasion (SN), basion-nasion (BaN) and porion-orbitale FH. sella, nasion, basion are the anatomical landmarks of the midline, which are considered more accurate in the cephalometric film than the bilateral landmarks. Most indicators are measured from one of these lines. These lines are also used as a reference index to assess changes as a result of growth and treatment.
With the help of cephalometric, skeletal, dental and soft tissue methods, the coronofacial complex is evaluated and soft tissue is obtained. Then cephalometric measurements of individuals can be compared with age and sex norms. By studying a series of consecutive cephalometric radiographs taken over time, changes in facial areas can be assessed, and it can also be assessed how such changes will affect the relationships of these areas. The specialist can also evaluate the effects of growth, or treatment, by superimposing a series of cephalometric trisings.


Pistachio counting and sorting system


Smart parking system and license plate reader

-Record the arrival and departure times of vehicles
-Automatic parking door opening and closing
-Connect to a CCTV camera to record video at specific times
-Tips for easy car parking without the need for a guard
- Launch the alarm system, if the car enters and leaves at certain hours
-Empty parking sharing system, in order to earn money and make optimal use of space.


Customer and vendor analysis system

Our system identifies customers and sellers and provides the number of customers during the day and working hours of sellers in the form of analysis.


Factory analysis system and intelligent production line

This system consists of several parts:
1-Analyzers of employees and people working in the factory, which in this section provides information such as attendance, arrival and departure times, number of trips, as well as hours of presence in a work area.
2- Analysis of machines in the factory, which provides information such as on and off time and activity, as well as location, etc.
3. Detects and warns of special clothing such as uniforms and helmets.
4- Warns about entering and identifying people in forbidden areas.
5. Informs about the arrival of an unknown person to the factory during the holidays.
6- Counting and counting the production line
7. Automatic loading statistics 8. Quality control


Automatic Incident Detection

Car detection stopped
Pedestrian detection inside the tunnel
Detects a car driving in the opposite direction
Slow down traffic (create traffic)
Low / high speed vehicle detection (above threshold)
Decreased or lost level of vision (smoke, fog, etc.)
In addition to announcing and warning of the mentioned unexpected situations, this system measures and reports the following items in order to inform the users of the general situation of the tunnel passing traffic:
Number of passing vehicles
Average speed of passing vehicles
Classification of passing vehicles


Analysis of basketball matches


COVID-19 diagnosis with AI-based methods (Deep learning)

Artificial Intelligence can play an essential role in identifying infected persons very fast, with less need for radiologists.
We have developed a robust software to diagnosis infected patients from CT scan images. Another version is also available for X-ray Images.
This software works with high speed and accuracy.

CT-scan version view
This application is very easy to use. The user only has to select the patient's CT scan folder; then, the application shows the result between 3 to 5 seconds.

X-ray version view
This is the version that works with x-ray images. It works extremely fast (about 50 ms for each image), and is so easy to use.
This software takes the CT scans or X-ray images of persons and indicates two conditions:
1- The person is identified as normal or COVID with high confidence.
2- The person is identified as normal or COVID with low confidence.
If condition 1 appears, the result can be trusted, and the person's situation would be certain. But if condition 2 occurs, the results and the raw data would be sent to a radiology specialist to determine the final decision.

With this circumstance, our software shows 100 percent accuracy in indicating high-confidential persons from CT scans. This means that our software performs completely correct with no mistake. Another examination also shows that the system can indicate 58% of the persons with high confidence.

These results show that our developed system can reduce 58% of the radiologist' work with an accuracy equal to 100%. Our system works extremely fast: it determines a person's X-ray image in 0.05 seconds and analyzes a person's CT scans between 3 to 5 seconds.
Based on these results, our software is significantly faster than radiologists. As in this crisis, the radiologists can not handle all the patients in proper time; this system can do a great help.